Motivational Facilitator
& Alternative Coach
Access®Private Sessions & Classes
Sessions - are an extremely nurturing way of receiving what you would like.
Private Motivational Coaching
Questioning what you know that you would love to do, only your mind hides your information.
Classes a great way to learn the process and interact while receiving and gifting.
You are Invited,
ExperienceAccess Bars®....... a great place to start
As you receive the Bars® energy, and the actual kindness and caring involved, the old past traumas & dramas start to fall away. That starts the freeing of many thoughts, feelings and emotions, beliefs, judgements, conclusions, considerations and limitations to fall away that have locked you up for so long, often the cause of repeat cycles of what may be going on in the body. Eg PTSD.
Imagine Bars are like a computer up the drive. Well, think of it like the Bars® doing that to the body and allowing it to run with more ease.
We maintain our cars, houses, even our jobs by keeping updated in our industries. So why not maintain and nurture our bodies before we have issues.........? Often we have conditions going on that we ignore in the hopes pain will go away........and take an array of pills to dull YOU and the pain?
What if BARS® is the NEW WAY?
Access Certifications
Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator
Access Consciousness® Bars Facilitator
Access Consciousness® BodyProcess Facilitator
Access Consciousness®Energetic Facelift Facilitator
Access Consciousness®Symphony of Possibilities Practitioner
Private Sessions by appointment
Class Facilitator
Over 14 years experience facilitating Access Consciousness tools & processes & over 20 years healing bodies energetically, via many different modalities
With kindness, caring and nurturing
With ease, joy and glory.
Access Bars
Body Processes
Energetic Facelift
Access Bars Session
Allow 1 hr 30 min
What would it take to come have a de-frag on your body in 1-1.5 hour session? Come give it a go and see how you feel. It's worked for so many others.
Body Process Session
Allow 1 hr 30 min
Body Processes to nurture your body and release old stuck energies. Like to clear cold and flues, pain, anxiety, depression, etc? Give these a go.
60 processes now available individually
Access Energetic Facelift
Allow 1 hr 30 min
Delightfully nurturing process that changes the skin to appear younger and firmer. Done on the face to prevent aging.
Symphony Of Possibilities
Phone/Zoom Session
House, Past, Entities,Etc
House, Past Life, Entities.
Symphony of Possibilities
30 min. 1 hour
$120.00. $200 (All AUD)
SOP (Symphony of Possibilities) taught by Dr. Dain Heer
Sessions of potency yet total ease and gentleness that the body can receive, relieving traumas, anxiety, pain, blockages, and so much more. So magic.......... hands-on or by skype/zoom.
Phone/Zoom Session
Video/Online or Phone Private session, receive Access Clearings, tailored to your requirements.
House, Past Life, Entity Clearing Sessions
Allow 1 hr 30 min
For energetic disturbances in your home or elsewhere these can be shifted successfully in a phone session or distantly. For body disturbances, etc, I'd recommend that you attend for a hands-on session. These things don't have to be so serious that you are frightened of them.
Gift Vouchers
Gifting & Receiving
Motivational Coaching
1 hr
Change your life where you haven't been able to shift with kindness & caring. Are you willing to let go of limitations to create different?.
Our point of view creates our reality, so we quite often have a point of view that we are stuck on and not prepared to give up, not even realising it.
Once we recognise this , in come tools to clear out the issues, and acknowledge to move forward, and leave the past behind.
Very freeing!!!!!!
Gift Voucher
Varied Price - In shop - contact me if you wish to purchase a different value, so we can organise it for you.
Gift Vouchers available what ever the occasion.
Great choice of sessions or classes to choose from.
We are here to create more awareness
and consciousness as the body allows the healing to be that.
Facelift Gift & Receiving
Pre-requisite - Facelift Class or 3 day Body Class
3 hr 30 min.
Not Available at present
7pm - 10.30pm. Meet others while learning, and pair up to run each others Bars. Not only is it support you, it is clearing for your body and you, of limitations. Fun and interactive, or chilled out. Sugar, Salt, Water, Tea & Coffee Supper provided, half way through.
Classes Available Below
MTVSS Body Process Class
No Pre-requisite - Hands-on
The mother of them all. This is an all rounder process in that MTVSS can be used a thousand different ways and each time it creates a different possibility.
It tends to create so much change in your body when it unlocks limitations you have. Changes can occur almost instantly when run on the immune system.
I've used it on so many occasions. It is about knowing how to use it and being able to use especially when you have no aide at all. Totally Magic!!!!!!
Access Energetic Facelift Practitioner Class
No Pre-requisite - Hands-on
This process is very potent and at the same time extremely nurturing, kind and gentle to the body.
What would it take to not have to use injections, acupuncture needles or anything else invasive to your body?
It would be a fantastic addition to the menu of any Spa or Massage Centre or other businesses. We often take before and after photos for fun, if you request.
Body Processes
No Pre-requisite - Hands-on
At least 60 different hands-on Body Processes that facilitate more awareness, ease & consciousness in your body.
These are really easy to learn and you get to unlock the tension, resistance and disease of the body.
The five elements of Intimacy:
Can this become part of your world just based on being exposed to that energy? Could this be the key to change your relationships?
How often do we choose not to be this energy to create control, or something else?
Facilitation Available in Coaching
Or a Private Session.
Conscious Relationships
What would it be like to have Conscious Relationships, instead of a reactive and resistive relationship where it falls apart and you both have to separate?
What if you could be aware of who you meet and be able to notice what the other person is being and doing?
What if you choose to not add sex and become heavily involved after meeting someone, until you know who they are? You can add sex and it be just for fun and not become involved also. No judgement here!
Would that be too hard to do? What if you could ask your body whether this person is someone you would find to be fun?...... Ask your body.
How to Become Money Work Book
No Pre-requisite - Live or Online
This Class caters for participants to choose to attend in person or be Online Zoom depending on what the class is.
This Class allows you to realise all the lies of this reality that we operate on non-stop, to not let you choose for you. When you recognise that you can choose and use that option, with Access® tools, questioning, it blows the old stuff away, to allow you to choose again.
No Pre-requisites - Live or Online
We get to read Access® Books and do clearings around what is going on with participants around the subject the book is about.
The Class is usually live and approximately 3 hours long.
You get to learn lots of Access® tools that you can use in your everyday life.
There will be more Bookclubs with Access® Books soon. Check the Class lists.
Bookclub - A Deep Dive In
The Ten Keys to Total Freedom
5 Calls in 5 weeks - Online
Each Call - 1hr
Book is written by Gary Douglas. This covers some of the most powerful Access® Tools of Access that you will be facilitated through, if you are willing to ask some questions. We follow the energy of what comes up and volah, it changes your world. Will you receive the magic?
Clarity Nights
Usually these nights are offered online as anything from an hour to 3 hours depending what the topic is. Lots of fun and interaction is the great bit about it, and clearing energies too, using Access® Tools. When posted, they are in the Shop with the pricing so that you can purchase.