Motivational Facilitator
& Alternative Coach

Bars & Foundation Classes
Access Bars® Class
A one day Class that facilitates you through learning the 32 points on the head that we touch lightly to release old energies that are not a contribution to you
or your body anymore.

An Invitation
The Access Bars® are the first Core Class to give you the basics of Access Consciousness and how to run the Bars®, clearing out old energies that are not working for you, and probably haven't been for a very long time.
Come experience this!

"What is Consciousness?
Consciousness (or awareness) is the willingness to be with no point of view. Consciousness offers us a very different way of being with ourselves, and others. It is full allowance, for each other and for our choices, without doubt or hesitation.
It provides more space for us; more space for others; more space for the planet. Consciousness® includes everything and judges nothing." - Gary Douglas - Founder
The Bars®